Table of Contents

Enum FilterOperation


Specifies the criterion value of a filter.

public enum FilterOperation


AddDays = 3

Represents the DateTime.AddDays method.

AddMonths = 4

Represents the DateTime.AddMonths method.

AddYears = 5

Represents the DateTime.AddYears method.

EndOfDay = 10

Represents the DateTime.EndOfDay extension method.

EndOfMonth = 12

Represents the DateTime.EndOfMonth extension method.

EndOfWeek = 11

Represents the DateTime.EndOfWeek extension method.

EndOfYear = 13

Represents the DateTime.EndOfYear extension method.

None = 0

No operation.

Now = 1

Represents the DateTime.Now property.

StartOfDay = 6

Represents the DateTime.StartOfDay extension method.

StartOfMonth = 8

Represents the DateTime.StartOfMonth extension method.

StartOfWeek = 7

Represents the DateTime.StartOfWeek extension method.

StartOfYear = 9

Represents the DateTime.StartOfYear extension method.

Today = 2

Represents the DateTime.Today property.