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Enum ActionStyle


Specifies the action style.

public enum ActionStyle


Danger = 3

Danger: Appearance of an action that has a dangerous consequence.

Default = 0

Default : Default appearance of an action with no particular consequence.

Ghost = 4

Ghost : Default appearance of an action with no particular consequence without background color.

GhostDanger = 7

Ghost danger : Appearance of an action that has a dangerous consequence without background color.

GhostPositive = 5

Ghost positive : The appearance of an action that has a positive consequence without background color.

GhostPrimary = 6

Ghost primary : Appearance of an action that has a significant consequence without background color.

Link : Appearance of a link.

Positive = 1

Positive: The appearance of an action that has a positive consequence.

Primary = 2

Primary: Appearance of an action that has a significant consequence.