Table of Contents


To set up a single sign-on through Auth0, go to the Auth0 portal.

Step 1 : Register the cluster

  1. Under Applications > Applications, select Create Application.
  2. For the Name field, enter a name for your cluster.
  3. Choose Regular Web Application as the application type.
  4. Select Create.
  5. Copy the Domain somewhere, you will need it later.
  6. Copy the Client ID somewhere, you will need it later.
  7. Copy the Client Secret somewhere, you will need it later.
  8. For the Allowed Callback URLs field, enter the URL of the cluster and the URL for Swagger : Like https://localhost/neos/Northwind/signin-oidc.
  9. For the Allowed Logout URLs field, enter the URL of the cluster : Like https://localhost/neos/Northwind/signin-oidc.
  10. Select Save changes.

Step 3 : Configure the authentication in the cluster configuration

In the cluster configuration file, you will have to fill in the following configuration by replacing the corresponding tags:

  Preset: Auth0
  Authority: https://[DOMAIN]
  ClientId: [CLIENT_ID]
  ClientSecret: [CLIENT_SECRET]

Replace :

  • [DOMAIN] by the Domain.
  • [CLIENT_ID] by the Client ID of the cluster resource.
  • [CLIENT_SECRET] by the Client Secret of the cluster resource.