Table of Contents

Dapr mode

This mode allows Dapr to be used for inter-cluster communications in development mode to get closer to production mode.

neos setup

During setup, Dapr is installed and initialized to work with Redis. Redis is installed in the default distribution of wsl.

The commands to install and update the distribution can be long, the process is not necessarily blocked even if it seems to do nothing. If you want to follow a step better, you can retrieve the executed command in the displayed output, run it manually and then run neos setup again.

/bin/bash: redis-cli: command not found will appear in the console if Redis is not installed. This is not an error, it is just the output of the command that tests if Redis is installed.

Several configuration files are created (only if they do not exist):

  • %userProfile%/.neos/X.X/dapr/run-config.yaml: file passed to Dapr via the --config argument (the default content contains only the mandatory attributes).
  • %userProfile%/.neos/X.X/dapr/components/neos-pubsub-redis.yaml: file passed as parameter to Dapr via the --resources-path argument for Redis configuration in Dapr.
  • %userProfile%/.neos/X.X/dapr/run-prescript.ps1: script executed at each start of neos (neos run) in Dapr mode to ensure that Redis is started.

In these cases, X.X represents the minor Neos version number (eg: 1.16 for version 1.16.2).

neos run

The Dapr mode is activated with the option --dapr or -dp.

Dapr global, unique identifiers (--app-id argument) are automatically assigned to started process:

  • {ClusterName} for application backend (the cluster name is in lower case with all . replaced by -)
  • {ClusterName}/designer for Neos Studio backend (the cluster name is in lower case with all . replaced by -)
  • tenants for tenant management cluster
  • reporting for reporting service

In Dapr mode, the reporting service and the tenant management cluster are shared between all instances.

When you execute neos run, the reporting service is started only if a previous run of neos run in Dapr mode has not already started it.

When you execute neos run -mt, the tenant management cluster is started only if a previous run of neos run -mt in Dapr mode has not already started it.


When you stop the neos run that started the reporting service or tenant management cluster, these are stopped. The other instances will not work properly until you restart a neos run in Dapr mode.