Table of Contents

Metadata check

Metadata check can be started by using the neos check-metadata command in the cluster folder. The output show errors and warnings that have been detected.

Ignoring errors

Although this is not generally recommended, it is possible to ignore metadata-related errors.
This can be useful when dealing with module dependency issues.

Each persistence error is identified by a letter and a unique number (i.e.: N102).
It is possible to ignore them by adding the YamlIgnoredErrors property and listing the error numbers to ignore (without the letter) in the YAML configuration of your cluster:

YamlIgnoredErrors: [102, 105]

The updated configuration is taken into account immediately, there is no need to restart Neos Studio.


The errors will also be ignored in Neos Studio.
Ignoring errors must remain a temporary solution. Remember to delete the line in the configuration as soon as you no longer need it.


Warnings correspond to YAML files which do not contain exactly the expected content or which should not exist. You can use the --diff option to generate two files check-metadata.actual.txt and check-metadata.expected.txt at the root of your cluster:

neos check-metadata --diff

By comparing these two files with a file comparator, you can analyze the differences between your current metadata and the expected versions.

The command can update all the files and thus remove warnings by using the --fix option:

neos check-metadata --fix

Exit code

By default, the exit code is 1 if the command reports error(s) or warning(s) and 0 otherwise. You can disable this behavior for warnings with the --warnaserror false option.