Table of Contents


You will find on this page all the errors that you can potentially encounter when installing or updating prerequisites and the Neos tool.

Failed to create shell shim for tool 'GroupeIsa.Neos.Console'

This error may occur when the Neos tool is updated.

  1. Check that there is no neos.exe process running.

  2. Uninstall the tool with the following command:

dotnet tool uninstall GroupeIsa.Neos.Console --global
  1. Verify that the folder C:\Users\[USER]\.dotnet\tools\.store\groupeisa.neos.console and the executable C:\Users\[USER]\.dotnet\tools\neos.exe no longer exist.

  2. Reinstall the tool with the following command:

dotnet tool install GroupeIsa.Neos.Console --global --ignore-failed-sources --no-cache --interactive --verbosity minimal

Error "0x8a15005e : The server certificate did not match any of the expected values." during neos setup

This error may occur during the execution of the neos setup command when Neos installs components using WinGet.
The problem can be worked around by manually executing the failed command with --source winget.

Example :
The following error is displayed in the console :

10:06:21 INF GroupeIsa.Neos.Console.Setup.DaprSetup - winget install Dapr.CLI --disable-interactivity --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements --version 1.13.0
Échec lors de la recherche de la source : msstore
Une erreur inattendue s'est produite lors de l'exécution de la commande :
0x8a15005e : The server certificate did not match any of the expected values.

Les packages suivants ont été trouvés parmi les sources de travail.
Spécifiez l’un d’entre eux à l’aide de l’option --source pour continuer.
Nom      ID       Source

Execute the following command :

winget install Dapr.CLI --disable-interactivity --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements --version 1.13.0 --source winget

The generation fails because of the type or namespace name "*" could not be found

This error may occur because your versions of the .NET SDK are incompatible with Neos. Check this article to see which version is required. To check the installed SDKs, you can use the command dotnet --list-sdks.

If you already have the correct version of the SDK and a more recent version, you must create a global.json file in the directory containing your clusters with the following content:

  "sdk": {
    "version": ""

You have to replace the xxx by the last digits of the installed SDK. It can be 8.0.200, 8.0.201, ...

Could not load type 'ProcessorArchitectures' from assembly 'Microsoft.Build.Framework, ...'

This error may occur at the command neos run because of a version of the .NET SDK incompatible with Neos.

Follow the same procedure as for the previous error : The generation fails because of the type or namespace name "*" could not be found

The first generation is stuck after 2 minutes of waiting

If the first generation is stuck after 2 minutes of waiting and you have the Kaspersky antivirus installed, check if there is a node.exe process with the npm install command line running. If it is the case, it's probably because Kaspersky is blocking the client dependencies download.

If this is the case, you must whitelist some urls:


The application does not display and a "The requested address is not valid in its context (localhost:0)" appears in the logs

This can be caused by other errors that appear sooner in the logs and prevents the application from working properly. Correcting all the previous errors should make this error disappear.

A "npm ERR! code E401" error appears in the logs when opening the application

This error can be the result of an expired NPM authentication token.
You might need to delete the client folder of your cluster and use the neos generate command before starting the application.

The server is running without errors but I received a 503 HTTP error.

This error may occur on Windows with the Http.sys web server (default web server on Windows).
https://+:443 and http://+:80 may be reserved by the system.
You can check the URL reservation with the command netsh http show urlacl.

  • If this command shows the line Reserved URL: http://+:80/, you have to delete this reservation with the command :
    netsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:80/

  • If this command displays the line Reserved URL: https://+:443/, you have to delete this reservation with the command :
    netsh http delete urlacl url=https://+:443/


This command has an immediate effect, there is no need to restart neos.

Failed to download/install npm packages ou nuget packages : Access denied. (Neos version < 1.10)

Checks setup for Neos version < 1.10 with private packages feed?

NuGet packages

To be able to download the NuGet packages, you have to add the source by typing the following command:

dotnet nuget add source "" -n "Neos"

To register your credentials on the Azure Devops Nuget feed, you have to install a tool using the following powershell command:

iex "& { $(irm }"

NPM packages

To register your credentials on the Azure Devops NPM feed, you have to install a tool by typing the following command:

npm install -g vsts-npm-auth

To be able to download the NPM packages, create a .npmrc file in a directory that will contain your Neos clusters with the following content:


Be careful that the file extension is .npmrc so that it can be loaded correctly.

Then in the directory containing the .npmrc file, run the following command:

vsts-npm-auth -config .npmrc

If it's not working, maybe your personal access has expired so to repair :

  • Npm packages : In the directory containing the .npmrc file, run the following commad : vsts-npm-auth -config .npmrc -F
  • Nuget packages : In the directory containing the CSharp project to compile (for example server/{cluster-name}.sln), run the following command : dotnet restore --ignore-failed-sources --no-cache --interactive --verbosity minimal

WSL errors

WSL (xx) ERROR: CreateProcessParseCommon:789: Failed to translate <%cluster_directory%>

This error occurs because the WSL has not started correctly.

All you have to do is run a command to turn it off:

wsl --shutdown


  • either start a specific distribution with this command (remember to check which distribution it is in your case)
wsl -d Ubuntu
  • either start redis server to implicitly start the distribution
wsl -u root sudo service redis-server start
  • either run neos to implicitly start the distribution
neos run

Virtual disk not WSL compatible

WSL doesn't automatically mount drive letters added by subst command. They cannot therefore be used for Neos.

Dapr warnings

Dapr - dropping expired pub/sub event

This warning can occurs when the Redis instance is corrupted. To clean the Redis instance, you can use the following command :

wsl redis-cli FLUSHDB