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Getting started

From 1.21 version, the License Management cluster is available.

In development mode, you need to configure the persistence of License Management cluster.

This configuration should be added in the cluster configuration. For example, in a <mycluster>.license-management.yml file :

  DatabaseType: PostgreSql # (required) The database type.
  ConnectionString: Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=LicenseManagement;User Id=xxxx;Password=xxxx; # (required) The connection string
  DefaultUserAccountLogin: # (optional) The login of the user account that will be created during database migration. This is not necessary if you have set the `UserPermissions__DefaultUserAccountLogin` environment variable.

Once the configuration is set up, you can start your cluster by specifying the option --license-management (or -l) which will also start the License Management cluster.

neos run -l