Table of Contents

Tenants management

The management of the tenants is accessible with the URL prefix /tenants.

Example for the cluster Northwind.


You can also use the Tenants management button in the manager page.


It is necessary to list all the clusters that will be accessible for the tenants.


Property Description
Name The name of the cluster. It must be identical to the ClusterName property found in the YAML configuration file of the cluster.
Version The version of the cluster.
Persistence Provider The target database of the cluster (SqlServer, PostgreSQL or Oracle).

Database server


Property Description
Name The unique name of the database server.
Type The database (SqlServer, PostgreSQL or Oracle).
Data Isolation Indicates whether the database is designed for separate or shared mode.
Connection String Connection String of database.



Property Description
Identifier The identifier of the tenant (used in the HTTP request).
Name Name of the identifier (used in selector screen).
Environment Environment of the tenant (Production, Staging, Development).
Authorized users List of authorized users for the tenant.
Cluster data locations Data locations for each authorized cluster.

In development mode, changes to tenant settings are applied immediately after saving.

Configure connection

From 1.18 version, when you run the command neos run -mt, the tenant management use a database instead of yaml persistence. So, you need to configure the persistence of tenant management to specify :

  • The database type
  • The connection string

This configuration should be added on the cluster configuration (at the root directory) in yaml file. Example of configuration file : <mycluster>.tenant-management.yml

  DatabaseType: PostgreSql
  ConnectionString: Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=TenantManagement;User Id=xxxx;Password=xxxx;

Import existing data

If you had an existing configuration in the tenantsData directory, at the first 'neos run -mt', the data will be imported in the database automatically.


Please note that the database should be new, otherwise the import won't be done.

First use (no tenantsData folder) : default user account login

When you run the neos run -mt for the first time, then the tenant management need database configuration to create the database. Also, the tenant management has permissions. To have a first admin user, you should configure a default user account login. This is the email account for the tenants administrator.

You can configure it in :

  • An environnement variable Tenants__DefaultUserAccountLogin.
  • Add DefaultUserAccountLogin in yaml configuration. Example :
  DatabaseType: PostgreSql
  ConnectionString: Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=TenantManagement;User Id=xxxx;Password=xxxx;
  DefaultUserAccountLogin: <your email>