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Web view

Renders a container that displays an external source URL.

Node name : web-view


Attribute Type Required Default value Description
name string false Name of the web view.
source string true URL
expandable boolean false true Display full screen button.
delegated-loading boolean false true When the value of this attribute is true, the url of the web-view is loaded in the context of the owner.

If the URL contains &, like, set the URL in a field and use the field as the source.


When the delegated-loading attribute is set to true, the web-view will be loaded in the context of the owner, so all http headers will be sent to the server. It's needed when the web-view is used to display a document (e.g : pdf document) or a ui from another cluster which depends on the tenant identifier or application context values. This can also be a security issue if the web-view is used to display a third-party website.
From 1.21.0, the delegated-loading attribute is set to true by default, if the iframe is used to display a third-party website, it's recommended to set the delegated-loading attribute to false to avoid sending the http headers to the third-party website and avoid CORS issues.


<web-view source="" />
<web-view source="@Fields.Source" />